Monday, July 7, 2008

Unforgettable Weekends

Ni backdated story.
Last Saturday 28 june 2008 we spend most of the day at our new house cleaning, measuring and looking around for a washing machine. Hmm most of the basic things dah ada. Still ada few things to angkut lagi. Barang-barang masa kahwin dulu.

On Sunday 29 June 2008 Cousin lana's house warming. Everything was great! Really like the house. Wish i have the house with ample space for gardening. Hmmm boleh tanam macam-macam. I really enjoyed the roti jala with the great kuah kari. We were there dari Hq baru nak tido petang sampai dia dah siap mandi and dia tido malam so cute he sleep in the hammock. Tq lana for inviting us u are a great host.


Saturday baru ni ajak mummy pergi subang parade saja2. Ingat nak pergi mothercare nak survey harga playpen since eusoff sekarang sgt2lah active. Tak terkawal. Yelah memang ada 2 maid kat rumah but is not for looking after eusoff mainly to look after tok dad. Diaorang willingly jaga euosff alhamdulillah. To look after tok dad is not that easy he has his own way. At certain time for his changing time, wudu', excercise, take him out for evening walk, bathing, feeding and etc. Thinking to take maid will kira balik duit is not cheap sekarang. At the moment pun lepas tolak itu ini tinggal ciput je at the end of the month. Well is okay that's another story. Back to after coming back from subang parade eusoff terus tertido from 2 pm till 4 pm. I woke up to susun all his baju while talking to along on the phone eusoff, tok mom, kak J and kak S bawak tok dad for evening walk. Then 15 mins later diaorang balik i quickly sediakan his dinner. Lepas dah bagi makan semua dukung eusoff naik atas dudukkan atas lantai beralaskan changing mat. Mummy was around with him. I went to bathroom nak amik gayung nak letak air panas ntah macam mana sambil tadah air panas the gayung terlepas from my hand air panas terpercik kena eusoff! Ya allah he cried so loud ingatkan dia trauma tak taukan dia kena air panas because quite a distance. Masa nak mandikan dia tgk kulit dia gelembung OMG I was so terified terus panggil mummy and Kak J. I can't even drive that time. Bawa g klinik Dr terus sapu Aqua Cream and bagi Ibuprofen. So sekarang my handsome little boy tak boleh pakai seluar panjang for at least a week. Tido pun pakai baju je. Selimutkan je kaki dia. Hmmm sian dia. He seems okay senyum, gelak, main, crawling, makan and minum macam biasa tapi kita yang tengok luka dia ngeri. I'm so sorry sayang ..

Hari Ahad muhasabah diri .


Nur said...

yana pun lebam kt pipi weekend hari tu jatuh dr kerusi...

reckless me!

(but accidents do happen!)

Ablen Eusoff said...

:) lebam pun pernah masa eusoff 7 months kot. jatuh katil it was my fault gak. Tapi ni melecur adoi hai..besar lak tuh ada dlm 4 jari besar dia. jauh dari kemaluan dia cuma dua jari..

Unknown said...

mimi.. accidents do happen. izhar pun dulu melecur when the family was on holiday. dulu takde mobile - lagi horror ok.
but take care you and the rest